About Apogaea Art Grants

The Apogaea Creative Grant Program Apogaea’s primary goal is to maintain a community that cultivates interest in and pursuit of art, music, and artistic expression. To help foster this creative community, each year, Apogaea returns a percentage of its ticket revenue to artists in the form of grants because we know it often takes cold, hard cash to make things happen. Each year’s event is seeded with creativity and artistic expression by returning a part of the event’s ticket revenue to artists through the fair distribution of creative grants. Grant funds can be used for almost any type of powerful and unique art including, but not limited to: sculpture, theme camps, sound, performance art, workshops, and mutant vehicles. We encourage creativity regardless of the idea’s size and scope by providing multiple grant rounds targeting different needs. Even if you don’t think of yourself as an “artist,” but need some financial assistance to get your creative idea to Apogaea, we might be able to help.

CATS (Creative Art Team Support) is a diverse cross-section of the community that volunteers with Apogaea year-round by managing the grant process and artist support for Apogaea, Inc. A Conflict of Interest Policy is in place to help ensure that when actual or potential conflicts of interest arise, the organization has a process to follow. Anyone interested in discussing art and Apogaea is invited to fill out an application to join CATS.

Distributing a significant amount of the community’s money to artists deserves a process providing 100% transparency. The most current processes, policies, and grant related information are found on this page. Each year, CATS provides a report describing the process, decisions, and disbursements in detail.

More information here!

Visit the Apogaea website for More information, including what is covered by grants, grant FAQ, and other important details:

If you have problems or questions, please contact grants@apogaea.com
 — CATS of Apogaea.